Assoc.Prof. Branislav Kolarovszki M.D., PhD
Head of Neurosurgery Department, University Hospital Martin,Slovakia
" I am currently focusing on the use of 3D implants within the reconstruction of skulls. It's an exciting development within the medical field, that allows us to provide patients with a highly personalized, well-fitting implant. The use of the unit reduces both patient operating time, as well as recovery time.The cutting edge technology was integrated by working closely together with Biomedical Engineering’s team of technicians and engineers."

Assoc. Prof. Anton Dzian M.D., PhD.
Head of Department of Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Martin,Slovakia
" My collaboration with biomedical engineers began in 2017, when we were the first in Central Europe to remove a large portion of the sternum and replace it with a patient specific titanium implant. It represented a completely innovative and progressive approach to the patient and his illness - initial medical data processing, thorough implant modeling based on consultation of surgeon and biomedical engineers, production of its prototype from plastic, production of implant from titanium alloy by 3D printing technology and actual surgical implantation itself. With this and other experience it can be stated that current modern 3D printing technology brings new possibilities in the strategy for the reconstruction of the thoracic wall with the aim of fully preserving its structure and functionality."
This is the space for quick upload of your files to get feedback from our experts about your case.
We design our implants to fit the anatomy of the patient. Our input is data from CT, MRI, and USG in DICOM format.
For AM production we prefere files in STL format but feel free to upload any type of file format.